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This panel discussion will focus on the various ways that labor and employment issues arise in the construction industry. The panelists will cover issues involving the Fair Labor Standards, OSHA, possible solutions, and the interplay between labor and employment law and construction law at this interesting intersection.

Jane H. Heidingsfelder, Jones Walker LLP
Christopher K. LeMieux, Reiss LeMieux, LLC
David K. Theard, Jones Walker LLP

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

12 noon – 1 p.m.

NOBA Office
650 Poydras Street, Suite 1505
New Orleans, LA 70130

CLE: 1 hour of CLE credit

NOBA member discount: $35 (includes lunch)
Non-member price: $55 (includes lunch)
*All credit card transactions will be charged a 3% convenience fee


  1. Contact NOBA at (504) 525-7453
  2. Email Liz Daino
  3. Mail payment to the NOBA Office, 650 Poydras Street, Suite 1505, New Orleans, LA 70130
  4. NOBA members can pay online by clicking here.